Monday 3 October 2016

The Test

Sometimes even Catholic Girls are tested, yes sometimes my faith is questioned.

Thank you Sociology and Carl Marx for that little doubter "Religion is the Opiate of the People" Marx announced that religion put everything and everyone in their place in society.

So it goes with proof and the Religious Referendum thank you Henry 8th for that little mishap, and so religion was plundered and yet! he made his own church did he not.

I think Martin Luther  Lutherian had a point of note, that the rich would given the Vatican great wealth to absolve them from their sins, and they where terrible sins.
 Absolute power corrupts absolutely and yes even today the Vatican admits there where some wrong doings in the Catholic Church.

But sometimes even my faith is tested and darkness descends.
I am sure this happened to Jesus, he was tested by the Devil and his Passion, God what a Passion.
He suffered horribly for our sins.

Perhaps when my darkness descends and I think all is lost I should focus on his passion.
Perhaps that is my duty to him, to turn to him in my hour at his hour.

I don't doubt for long, but some days like yesterday at 5 pm an hour of sadness ascended.

Lust and Sex

I will announce proudly I am virginal but I have read some wicked books, I have written books ascertaining to a sexual nature, I have never married but have been told that the act or desire of lust is as heinous as the act of jumping into bed with a stranger as is often the case on those silly programs on our TV.

So I am not as chaste or pure as the devout Saints of old, but in my defence if it be a defence, they where not poisoned by the Internet or TV or books or trashy novels that filled my Youth.

Confession has extolled all sin, or lust and drive. Lust, sex and some of the blogs written here under my name do not appeal to me any more.
The story of Frances oh how she fought for her virginity against all the odds, should I have her run to a convent! I think I must!
The Virgin and the Demon, well any seduction, any lust, anything that puts our souls in moral jeopardy is demonic is it not. Thats the way I have been brought up and to be honest, I think women are too flighty to easy to give themselves to a man without thought or consequence.

There is the risk so great of sexually transmitted disease, today we have so many risks, yet our society cheers when the man and woman lay down together, when love making, well lust making starts.

Avoiding Sex and Lust on TV is no easy task, its getting that way that we just watch old movies.
You may think me old fashioned but thats who I am and who I will be.

I am not going to condemn any one for acts of a sexual nature, Love one another as I have Loved you, said the Lord.
My family are no Saints. xxx I love them all though warts and all.

About the Writer

A little about me.

I was baptised a Catholic, I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school,
made my Holy Communion, Confirmation Rita Philomena, I was told Philomena was not
a name for my confirmation yet St Rita the chose name and my desired name St Philomena
are probably guiding me as I write to you.

I love going to Church, its like going home to God you know saying hi to your special friend,
hugging your friend, eating with your friend, singing, and yes sometimes we laugh and yes we
We cry at the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
We jump for Joy when he is resurrected.
We smile happily and are excited at his Birth but we know that dark days await the baby when he is
a man. The joy of baby and the knowing his future intermingle joy/sad.

So thats a potted history about me,